Principles of Auth+

Anatomy of Auth+ Tests

Understand the structure of Auth+ tests.

Easy for authors, hard for cheaters.

Auth+ tests are designed to be easy for true authors, and hard for proxy authors: the tests are designed to require no preparation time at all: if they wrote it, they'd know it .


Auth+ test adapt to the content of the student's submission, and the test is unique every time: this would be impossible to do manually.

Multiple-type of questions

There are three question types: style, content and memory: each assess a different cognitive benchmark, gives you more confidence in the familiarity scores of each student.

Dynamically timed

To focus on cognitive recollection all questions are dynamically timed as per the difficulty and length of each question.


Auth+ proctors the test for anomalous activity. This makes the testing process secure, and all the more reliable.


The questions are generated in real-time, which means there is no waiting time for the students nor you. This makes submitting via Auth+ a painless experience.

Student Feedback

What students think about Auth+

It was a great way to check whether you are the author or not. It can also make you realize how much effort you put on the work.
Usman Saeed
Undergraduate Student
Well it was quiet surprising for me because I did not expect it to judge my work if its actually been done by me, I enjoyed doing it because it was different from all other assignments we get, and no preparation is needed if you have actually done your assignment by yourself.
Hamza Khalid
Undergraduate Student
Trust me, if I had copied that assignment from somewhere else or got it done by someone else, than there was no chance that I could have answered these questions! I would definitely encourage this idea of cross checking of originality. The best part is that it hardly took me a minute or two completing this.
Undergraduate Student
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