ContraBand: Monitoring the gig economy for coursework being sold
Monitoring the gig economy for coursework being sold.
What is Contraband?
Contraband is a web crawler that finds all the coursework being sold on the Internet. It is used to collect live data in order to compile awareness generating material such as reports, info-graphics and this quiz on contract cheating .
Why should I sign up?
Contraband is meant to raise awareness, share insights and bring more accountability around the issue of contract cheating. If you or your institute share any of the above mentioned goals you should definitely sign up. Here are a few examples how Contraband achieves the above goals: Raise Awareness: The toughest part about raising awareness about contract cheating is that there are very few statistics available to quantify the problem. Contraband changes that: we publish data like the dollar worth of coursework sold per week, popular subject areas and assessment formats. And since it’s just a newsletter, it’s remarkably easy to disseminate and there is no manual effort required on anyone’s part. Share insights: Some educators often show certain misconceptions about the breadth/scope of the problem of contract cheating. Contraband shows everything from online forum posts to PhD theses are being outsourced nearly every other week. You can study what kind of work is outsourced, and use that to design assessments less susceptible to cheating, Contraband subscribers can also request our data-set to run their own analysis or research. More Accountability: To be honest, one of the coursework on Contraband could be from a student from your class or institute. With Contraband, you’re in the know if that happens. Currently cheating is untraceable, and that really shouldn’t be the case.

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